CoresetPACK Page

Welcome to the CoresetPACK page. CoresetPACK is an open source software for coreset computation. It consists of a set of C++ classes that are available as source code and can be integrated into your application. The code is platform-independent and compiles on Linux and Windows. CoresetPACK also includes a MATLAB interface to those classes: C sources for a MATLAB mex file + *.m wrapper files. Precompiled mex binaries are available for Windows and Linux 32 bit architectures.

CoresetPACK is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License. You can download the software from the project's summary page at SourceForge. Please note that currently the software and the accompanying documentation (including this website) are in the early stages of development, so that there are a lot of problems that we expect to fix in the nearest future.

CoresetPACK being developed by Dan Feldman and Andrey Zhdanov. Logo